Focus: Hispanic Poetry in the Americas — November-December 2002

Crossing Borders: Hispanic Poetry in the Americas

Volume 24, Number 1
November-December 2002

FOCUS: Crossing Borders: Hispanic Poetry in the Americas

Introduction: Crossing Borders: Hispanic Poetry in the Americas
Rochelle Ratner

Goat Songs: The European Roots
Hardie St. Martin reviews The Selected Poems of Miguel Hernández: A Bilingual Edition edited by Ted Genoways

Homero’s Odyssey
Paul Pines reviews Eyes to See Otherwise/Ojos de otro mirar: Selected Poems by Homero Aridjis

Bridging the Distance
Margaret Randall reviews Across the Line/Al otro lado: The Poetry of Baja California edited by Harry Polkinhorn and Mark Weiss

“Under Permanent Crossfire”: Poetry and Revolution
Jen Hofer reviews The Violent Foam: New and Selected Poems by Daisy Zamora

Essay: An Overview of Latino Poetry: The Iceberg below the Surface
by Nicolás Kanellos

El Poema como Calabaza
John Olsen reviews Maraca: New and Selected Poems, 1965-2000 by Victor Hernández Cruz

The Laws of Magnetism
Larry Smith reviews The Smallest Muscle in the Human Body by Alberto Ríos

Dream Voyages
Benjamin Ivry reviews Night Journey by María Negroni

Completing the Journey
Robin Magowan reviews Caminante: A Narrow Road into the Far South, 131 Octaves by John Oliver Simon

FEATURE: Public Intellectuals

Raising Whirlwinds
Charles Marowitz reviews The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan edited by John Lahr

Conservative Radical
Ron Capshaw reviews A Moral Temper: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald edited by Michael Wreszin

FEATURE: Short Story Collections from Indy Presses

All the Lonely People
Sean Bernard reviews The Spirit Returns by Richard Burgin

Gods and Puppets
Craig Watson reviews Flesh and Bone by Cydney Chadwick

Book Reviews

Gilbert Sorrentino’s Isolate Flecks
Arthur Saltzman reviews Something Said by Gilbert Sorrentino

LA Confidential
Jimmy Jazz reviews The Bus: Cosmic Ejaculations of the Daily Mind in Transit by Steve Abee

Drive-by Criticism
Steven Moore reviews American Fictions, 1980-2000: Whose America is it Anyway? by Frederick R. Karl

Heliczer’s Messages
Thomas Fink reviews A Purchased in the White Botanica: The Collected Poetry of Piero Heliczer edited by Gerard Malanga and Anselm Hollo

Poetry from a Fourth World
John Jacob reviews Open Gate: An Anthology of Haitian Creole Poetry edited by Paul Laraque and Jack Hirschman

The Chosen One
John Freeman reviews déja vu and the Phone Sex Queen by Michael McIrvin

Poetry for the Eye
Douglas Puchowski reviews Writing to be Seen: An Anthology of Later 20th Century Visio-Textual Art edited by Bob Grumman and Crag Hill

Drafting and Folding
Catherine Daly reviews Drafts 1-38, Toll by Rachel Blau DuPlessis

Ports of Call
Trevor Dodge reviews The Comfort of Women by Michael Hemmingson

The Bodhisattva Muses
Jocelyn Emerson reviews The Land of Bliss by Cathy Song

Political Watershed
Jim Feast reviews Rebel and a Cause: Caryl Chessman and the Politics of the Death Penalty in Postwar California, 1948-1974 by Theodore Hamm

Touched by and Angel?
Kevin Patrick Finucane reviews The Wig My Father Wore by Anne Enright

The Story of English—and a Counterstory
Christian Moraru reviews You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught: Learning and Relearning Literature by Jerome Klinkowitz

Drawing Close
David Roderick reviews Red Town by Judith Skillman

Linear and Nonlinear
Sherine Elise Gilmour reviews Feeding the Fire by Jeffrey Harrison and Twice Removed by Ralph Angel

Rediscovering Zaturenska
Kevin Prufer reviews The Diaries of Marya Zaturenska, 1938-1944 edited by Mary Beth Hinton and New Selected Poems of Marya Zaturenska edited by Robert Phillips

The Multifarious Dimensions of African American Thought
Gordon E. Thompson reviews The Origins of African American Literature, 1680-1865 by Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.

Hyper City Poet
Stephen Paul Miller reviews Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O’Hara: Difference/Homosexuality/Topography by Hazel Smith


From the Backlist
Tom Williams reviews My Favorite Apocalypse by Catie Rosemurgy

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