Focus: Found in Translation — September-October 2003

Found in Translation

Volume 24, Number 6
September-October 2003

Focus: Found in Translation

Introduction: Found in Translation
Andrew Ervin

All That You Have Promised Me
William T. Vollmann reviews You Alone Are Real to Me: Remembering Rainer Maria Rilke by Lou Andreas-Salomé

Criticism as Performance Art
Steven Moore reviews Radio Dialogs II by Arno Schmidt

Trivial Pursuits
Daniel Bouchard reviews Thank You for Not Reading: Essays on Literary Trivia by Dubravka Ugresic

Outrageous Fiction, Frankly
Neal Pollack reviews Platform by Michel Houellebecq

Czech Your Head
Jane Bennett reviews Signs & Symptoms by Róbert Gál

Inside Out
K. Malcolm Richards reviews Out by Natsuo Kirino

Poet as Hero
Lori Propheter reviews Clouded Sky, Revised Edition by Miklós Radnóti

Sketches of Spain
Amy Sayre-Roberts reviews The Man of Feeling by Javier Marías and The Tempest by Juan Manuel de Prada

The Currents of Memory
Lucas Klein reviews One Man’s Bible by Gao Xingjian

Feature: Literary Lives

A Prophet Honored
Cheryl Harris Sharman reviews Flannery O’Connor: A Life by Jean W. Cash

Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know
Deborah Lutz reviews The Kindness of Sisters: Annabella Milbanke and the Destruction of the Byrons by David Crane

Almost Human
John Maerhofer reviews Gregory Corso: Doubting Thomist by Kirby Olson

Feature: Previously Uncollected

Poetry, Linguistics, and Sex with Dinosaurs
Kreg Hasegawa reviews Seven Pages Missing, Volume Two: Previously Uncollected Texts, 1968–2000 by Steve McCaffery

Portrait of the Artist without Permission
Sean Bernard reviews Catch as Catch Can: The Collected Stories and Other Writings by Joseph Heller

Vicious Intonations for a Cursed America
Laine Morreau reviews Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century by Hunter S. Thompson

Book Reviews

Will to Power
Andrew Walser reviews Actress in the House by Joseph McElroy

Coltrane’s Prayer
Eric Plaks reviews A Love Supreme: The Story of John Coltrane’s Signature Album by Ashley Kahn

Me LA Droogies
Matt Roberson reviews Common Criminals: L. A. Crime Stories by Larry Fondation

Fin de Siècle
Norman Kelvin reviews The Eighteen Nineties: A Review of Art and Ideas at the Close of the Nineteenth Century by Holbrook Jackson

Imagine Leda Black
Paula Koneazny reviews Black Swan by Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon

Wanting More
Kevin Sampsell reviews Misplaced Alice by Matt Briggs

Ecstatic Pleasures
Peter Covino reviews Forms of Gone by Yerra Sugarman

Midwestern Light
Matthew Brennan reviews A Breathable Light by Rodney Torreson

The Shadow(s) on the Wall
Brian Budzynski reviews Nowhere Man by Aleksandar Hemon

Escape Artist
Rochelle Owens reviews Houdini: A Musical by Muriel Rukeyser

In Defense of the Imagination
Corinne Robins reviews Forces of Imagination: Writing on Writing by Barbara Guest

The School and the Cross
Richard Kostelanetz reviews The Scroll and the Cross: 1,000 Years of Jewish-Hispanic Literature edited by Ilan Stavans


From the Backlist
D.B. Weiss reviews Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million by Martin Amis

ABR: The Year in Review
Index to Volume 24

Ron Sukenick remembers Ted Joans

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