Focus: A View from India — May/June 1998

A View from India

Volume 19 Number 4
May-June 1998

FOCUS: A View From India

An Introduction: Straight From India
Ronald Sukenick

Shiva Meets Godzilla. . .
Robert Siegle

Of Books and Borders
Stephen Alter

Small Urdu and Less Hindi: Rebutting Rushdie
Harish Trivedi

The Reach of Hindi Fiction
Raji Narasimhan

Literatures of India: The Local and the Global
Meenakshi Mukherjee

Two Contemporary Bengali Novelists
Narayan Mukherji

FEATURE: Insider Art

Prison Art in America
Fielding Dawson reviews Phyllis Kornfeld’s Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America

FEATURE: The Literary Essay

The Closeness of Kin and the Desire to Wander
Kate Madden reviews Kat Meads’s Born Southern and Restless

Everywhere and Nowhere
Bob Blaisdell reviews Steven Harvey’s Lost In Translation

Book Reviews

James Hatch reviews Meter in English: A Critical Engagement, edited by David Baker, and Rebel Angels: 25 Poets of the New Formalism, edited by Mark Jarman and David Mason

Sal Salasin reviews Denise Duhamel’s Kinky

Leora Lev reviews Dennis Cooper’s Guide

John Jacob reviews Philip Lamantia’s Bed of Sphinxes: New and Selected Poems, 1943-1993

Rikki Ducornet reviews Doris G. Bargen’s A Woman’s Weapon: Spirit Possession in the Tale of Genji and Mursaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji, translated by Edward G. Seidensticker.

Miriam Levine reviews Edward Nobles’s Through One Tear and Cathleen Calbert’s Lessons in Space

Victor Bradley reviews Greil Marcus’s Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan’s Basement Tapes

Barry Wallenstein reviews Edgar M. Branch’s Studs Lonigan’s Neighborhood and the Making of James T. Farrell

Jason Weiss reviews Richard Foreman’s No-Body: a novel in parts

Ronald Bogue reviews New Novel Review 4.1 (Fall 1996), The Bi-annual Fiction Collection: New Works by Established and Emerging Writers, edited by Ben Stoltzfus

Frank Allen reviews Dick Allen’s Ode to the Cold War: Poems New and Selected

Saul N. Brody reviews Leslie Ross’s Medieval Art: A Topical Dictionary

Judy Michaels reviews Jane Miller’s Memory at These Speeds: New & Selected Poems

Joe Napora reviews Maggie Jaffe’s How the West Was One, art by Deborah Small

Kenneth Warren reviews Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s A Far Rockaway of the Heart

Jonathan Curelop reviews Lucia Nevai’s Normal


Picketing the Zeitgeist
Richard Kostelanetz

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